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Hazardous Waste Multi-Waste Webinar

This Webinar showcases the new Multi-Waste feature on the KPMG Origins, IWTS Platform.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

November 22, 2024

The Integrated Waste Tracking Solution (IWTS) is evolving to better meet the needs of the industry by streamlining the Movement Authorisation and Movement creation process with the introduction of Multi-Waste and Multi-Pickup Movements. Launching early December, waste operators will have the option to create Movements for Milk Runs and multiple waste types to suit their business needs. In this Webinar, we cover how to create Movements and Movement Authorisations for Multi-waste.

IWTS is a common solution for all types of trackable waste. This means that the features and user experience are the same regardless of the waste being tracked, but the information required to be reported differs based on the waste type being tracked. The focus of this training session was tracking hazardous waste for multiple waste types and it demonstrates the information that is required to be reported to the NSW EPA.

If you would like any further information, please don't hesitate to contact KPMG Origins via [email protected] or the NSW EPA on [email protected] or 02 9585 6303.


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