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Adding Administrator Users​

How to add an admin user to your organisations account

Updated over 7 months ago

As part of the sign-up process, new users being added with an administration role must use a two-factor authentication to sign in. To add a new user with administration privileges, follow the steps below:​

  1. Click your Organisation profile on the left-hand-side navigation menu, a sub-menu will appear with the following options:​

    1. Settings​

    2. Logout​

  2. Select the "Settings" option and you will be redirected to the Settings page.​

  3. Click the Users Tab.​

  4. Click the "Add User" button and you will be redirected to the Add New User page.​

  5. Fill-in the following mandatory fields:​
    a) First name​
    b) Last name​
    c) Email​
    d) Role - click the Role dropdown menu and select Administrator​

  6. Click the "Send Invitation" button and you will be redirected to the Users page. A Snackbar with a message "INVITATION SENT Email invitation sent successfully" will appear.​

​When a new user is assigned an administration role, they will be sent an email inviting them to join the Organisation.​

By clicking the "Accept and Login" button in the email, the new user will be redirected to the KPMG Origins Sign-up page.

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