As part of the sign-up process, new users being added with an administration role must use a two-factor authentication to sign in. To add a new user with administration privileges, follow the steps below:
Click your Organisation profile on the left-hand-side navigation menu, a sub-menu will appear with the following options:
Select the "Settings" option and you will be redirected to the Settings page.
Click the Users Tab.
Click the "Add User" button and you will be redirected to the Add New User page.
Fill-in the following mandatory fields:
a) First name
b) Last name
c) Email
d) Role - click the Role dropdown menu and select Administrator
Click the "Send Invitation" button and you will be redirected to the Users page. A Snackbar with a message "INVITATION SENT Email invitation sent successfully" will appear.
When a new user is assigned an administration role, they will be sent an email inviting them to join the Organisation.
By clicking the "Accept and Login" button in the email, the new user will be redirected to the KPMG Origins Sign-up page.