Note: To edit users' information within your Organisation you must be an Admin user.
1 - In the KPMG Origins platform, click on your account name in the side menu.
2 - Click Settings from the dropdown menu.
3 - In the settings screen select the Users tab from the top row.
4 - A list of all users associated with your Organisations’ account will be displayed.
5 - Click on the pencil icon in the Actions column.
6 - First name, last name and the selected user type can be edited. However, the email address is the unique account identifier and cannot be changed.
Tip: To change a user's email address; add a new user with the new email address and then suspend or delete the old account.
Note: A user's role cannot be change until they have accepted and login to KPMG Origins IWTS
7 - Once you have made the changes, click Save.