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Searching The Movement​s List
Searching The Movement​s List

How to locate and find a movement

Updated over 8 months ago

1 - Log in to KPMG Origins -

2 - Navigate to Movements.

3 - The movements list is now visible, use either:

The search box function to narrow down the results. Type in your search term then use the enter key on your keyboard to start the search.​

Note: You can search by Movement ID, pick up location, drop off location, and date. Other search queries are not supported.

You can also search and sort Movements by estimated or actual dates in the Movement's list.

Or the filter function to filter by movement status or Material type.

The default number of movements that will be displayed on one page is 50, this can be increase to 100 or decrease to 10. To do this click the number next to ‘Rows per page’ and select a new value.​

If the number of movements associated to your organisation exceeded the rows per page value selected then additional movements will be stored on subsequent pages, which can be navigated between using the left and right arrow buttons next to the Rows per page button.​

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