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Add a Location on Mobile/Tablet
Add a Location on Mobile/Tablet

How to add a new pick up/drop off location on mobile version

Updated over 2 months ago

If the location you are searching for in either the pick up or drop off location does not appear, it may not be in the system and you should add it manually.

Before you add a new location make sure to search for this location thoroughly in the location search fields, you can search by company name, site name, and address. Try all three before adding a new location to the system to avoid duplicate locations for the same organisation.

  1. Create a new movement from the Movements List by clicking the blue '+' button at the bottom right of the screen.

  2. After selecting the type of movement and the pickup/dropoff state, click 'Create A New Location'

Once in the Add Location screen, follow these next steps to add your location to the system:

  1. Complete the Location Owner section by first indicating who the location owner is by selecting 'My Organisation / Individual' or 'Another Organisation / Individual'.

  2. Next, fill out the section called Name & Address. Here, you need to add a name for the location, the address (via an address search bar or manual entry), and the facility's timezone (e.g., UTC +10:00 Australia/Sydney). Once complete, continue to the next section below.​

  3. The Identification section is optional however here you can add a unique identifier for the location based on another form of identification that you have for the facility.

  4. Once added click on the Save button at the top right of the mobile screen to save this location and close this screen.

  5. Enter the location you have just created in the appropriate pick up / drop off search field, the new location should now appear in the list to select.​

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