How to Edit / Update Multiple Movements

Instructions on how to edit / update multiple movements at once.

Updated over a week ago

This article will explain how to edit/update multiple movements in IWTS, for assistance with creating multiple movements, please see this article:

1 - Within your list of movements select the checkbox's next to the movements you wish to edit.

2 - Click on the Selected Movements drop down box, and chose the relevant status that you need to update the selected movements to.

Tip - Select movements that have the same status and update these to the next stage in the movement process, in the example below we have selected three movements that are in the "Created" stage, the next stage after created is "2. Update Status to 'Ready To Move'", the stages are listed sequentially in the drop down box and your movements should progress through these stages until they reach the "Submitted" stage.

3 - In the following screen you will be asked to enter the information required for the selected stage of the chosen movements. By default the first movement will be expanded and the details here can be either edited or if pre-filled from a Movement Authorisation then left as is. Navigate through the various forms of information by using the side bar on the left.

Tip - If the details entered in the first movment's form are the same as the other movements, you can use the Copy This Data To All Movements button to easily copy the data to the other selected movement(s).

4 - Once all of the forms are complete select the blue Submit Movements button at the bottom right of the screen. You'll be taken back to the movements list page where you will see the movements have been updated to the next stage, in the example below the status has changed from "Created" to "Ready to Move".

The same process should be used to update the movements through the various status', the next step in the example movement would be to select the three movements and update them to the "In Transit" state.

5 - Work your way through submitting the various details required for each movement status until you reach the final status "Submitted" - the movement(s) are now complete.

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