Asbestos projects are a feature of Origins that allow you to create a one-off or ongoing project from which multiple movements of asbestos will be generated, this provides a simple way to create bulk amounts of movements.
1 - From your Origins home screen select Movement Authorisations
2 - Select Create Movement Authorisation
3 - Use the drop down menu's to select the pick up state and drop off state relevant to your project - the pick up state will be where the asbestos is being collected from and the drop off state will be where it is being taken to.
4 - In the Material Details box search for "Asbestos" and select the option called "NSWNEPM.N220-PROJECTS | ASBESTOS (for Projects Authorisation and Consignment only).
Below this choose whether you would like a Commercial in Confidence applied to this project, and then select Continue.
Tip - If selected, Commercial in Confidence will hide the generator and pick up details from other particpants of the movements (not including regulators).
5 - On the following page select the Add Details button next to the first step of the Movement Authorisation Process section.
6 - Work your way through the following forms of information, adding in details to the fields as needed.
When you have completed a form select the blue Save & Continue button at the bottom right of the page to take you to the next one, when you have reached the final form and completed it select the blue Submit button.
7 - After the forms in step one are completed, select the Add Details button on step 2 of the Movement Authorisation Process, and submit the final form here. Once done you will brought back to the project summary screen where you will see the status of the project updated to "Approved".
The Project is now set up - you can create movements from this project using the blue View & Create Movements From [Approval ID] button, to learn more about creating movements for a project see this article: How to Bulk Create Movements for an Asbestos Project | KPMG Origins Help Centre