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Perform an action on multiple Movements

Edit multiple Movements in bulk.

Updated over a week ago

This article explains how to do 'milk-run' pick ups or multi-waste pick ups on IWTS.

Milk-Run or Multi-Pickup

Once you are logged in, go into Movements and use the check box on the left side of each Movement to select the Movements you wish to edit. Once you have made your selection, use the drop-down menu to select the action you wish to make against these Movements.

Once the action is selected from the drop down menu, you will have the opportunity to make final edits to each Movement in a new window, where the Movement will be expanded to show details. You will also be able to copy data across all Movements.


Similar to the multi-pick-up Movements, this method of performing bulk actions supports collecting multiple waste types from one location. First, select the Movements (from the same facility) that you wish to change, next use the drop-down menu and select an action against these Movements.

Like the above scenario, a window will appear with the Movement expanded to show details. Here, you can insert the different waste details or waste weight for all of these Movements.

Note: the maximum selection for bulk actions against Movements is 20.

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