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How to Create Multiple Movements from a Movement Authorisation
How to Create Multiple Movements from a Movement Authorisation

A guide on how to create multiple movements from a Movement Authorisation in IWTS

Updated over 3 months ago

Before creating a bulk set of movements, you must have an "approved" movement authorisation that you can create the movements from, for a guide on how to complete a movement authorisation, please see this article: Movement Authorisations | KPMG Origins Help Centre

1 - Select the Movement Authorisation that you wish to create a bulk set of movements for.

2 - Select View & Create Movements From [Movement Authorisation Approval ID]

3 - Select Create Movements From [Movement Authorisation Approval ID]

4 - Enter how many movements you would like to create in the field indicated below, then select Continue.

5 - You will be brought back to the previous screen with a message now appearing above the table indicating that the movements are being created, refresh your screen and the message will change to confirm the movements have been successfully completed, and you will see the movements now appear in the movements list below.

Note - The time it takes for the system to create the movements depends on how many movements are being created, large quantites may require longer to create.

6 - The created movements can now be edited/updated individually by updating the movement details of each movement or these bulk created movements can be bulk edited - for a walkthrough of how to bulk edit movements please see this article: How to Edit / Update Multiple Movements | KPMG Origins Help Centre

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