Using the copy function is an easy way to reduce data input and create new movements that have the same or similar information to an existing movement.
1 - From your Movements List page, select the Movement that you wish to copy.
2 - Now select the 'Copy' button.
3 - A new copy Movement screen will appear where you can change:
Pick Up Location
Drop Off Location
Material Type
If the Movement is commercially confidential
Fill out these new details as needed and select COPY.
Note - If your pick up and drop off locations are in different States then a second Material ID search box will appear where a destination state Material ID should be selected from the options available (click search box to see options).
4 - You will then be brought to the Movement summary page of the new copied Movement - This movement will be in a "created" state and much of the information entered in the previous movement will have been copied across and prefilled into the steps of this movement, all you have to do now is go into the steps and make any necessary changes before submitting them.