Get approval from a certified receiver for a specific material
10 articles
Creating a Movement from a Movement AuthorisationHow to create a movement from an approved Movement Authorisation.
Create a Copy of an Existing Movement AuthorisationRemoving the burden of creating Movement Authorisation from scratch.
Email Notifications for Movement AuthorisationsInformation on how you will get notified of Movement Authorisation updates in IWTS.
Unable to create movements from movement authorisationReasons why you may not be able to create movemetents from a movement authorisation.
Movement Authorisation for Multi-WasteHow to create a Movement Authorisation with multiple waste types?
Movement Authorisation (MA's)How to create a Movement Authorisation with Single Pick Up and Single Material?
Add supporting documents to your Movement AuthorisationHow to add supporting documents to the Movement Authorisation
How to Cancel or Terminate a Movement Authorisation?If you no longer require a Movement Authorisation, there are two options to choose from.
What happens to my existing Movement Authorisations after the release of Multiple Waste and Milk Run Pick Up?Existing Movement Authorisations with different statuses.
Approving Movement Authorisations as a Certified ReceiverHow to approve a Movement Authorisation as a Certified Receiver?